Example Test Setup
We program our system to send hourly test calls to your voice telecom systems. We then process the test results against “Expected” values. If “Expected” <> “Actual” we alert you via an urgent email with the test data.
Example test setup
We make 20 test calls to a 30 port voicemail system at 16:31 hrs. We set what we expect for the results.
- answers = 20 (we did not set at 30 as some users could be on the system at 4:30 p.m.)
- ring no answer = 0 (other that zero would be a bad vm port or exhausted resources)
- busy = 0 (we expect no busy signals as this system has much capacity)
- concurrent = 20. We expect all 20 ports to be working at the same time.
- other values such as fax answers not measured.
This is the input form
When the test is complete, we get an email that has
The test data.
Below is a graphic but the actual test results also include a WAV file link so you can hear the audio results of the test. In this test, we also incremented the outbound ANI so that the customer can see the calls in their call detail system as first call has a caller id = 804-555-0001, second call caller id = 804-555-0002 and so on.