1000hz Test Tones
We can detect these tones and use them to confirm a completed call. Upload a 70% modulated tone to a hidden menu choice on your automated attendant. We will call your number, enter the the menu choice and listen for the tone. If we fail to hear the tone, the test call is considered having an “Unexpected Result” and you will be notified with an urgent email.
Tone modulation is defined as how the tone appears in the freeware audio editor Audacity. We suggest using a 70% modulated tone as a target.
- 100% – The wave form visually extends from -1 to 1.
- 70% – The wave form visually extends from -0.7 to .7
This is a 1000HZ @ 100% modulation tone in wav format. And here is the download link.
This is a 1000HZ @ 100% modulation tone in mp3 format. And here is the download link.
SUGGESTED 1000HZ @ 70% modulation tone in wav format. And here is the download link.
SUGGESTED 1000HZ @ 70% modulation tone in mp3 format. And here is the download link.
This is a 1000HZ @ 50% modulation tone in wav format. And here is the download link.
This is a 1000HZ @ 50% modulation tone in mp3 format. And here is the download link.