804-222-1111 Test Phone Number
We have processed over 100 million free test calls.
804-222-1111 is a free VoIP call test number FOR HUMANS operated by www.infotelsystems.com. We have been producing PBX monitoring systems and software since 1988. This well known test number has processed over 100 million calls in 30 years. Here are the features of the system behind this test phone number. Automated calls are not allowed and will be considered spam and considered abuse.
Caller ID Number Playback Test
Upon answer the system speaks back your 10 digit Caller ID number. You are then presented this menu with options 1, 2 or 3.
Press 1 for 1000hz tone
Tone duration is up to 60 seconds.
If you have ever lost a toner or wanted to trace an analog line, this feature is very useful
Press 2 for a Touch Tone Test
- You hear a beep.
- Enter your digits such as 1234567890 and press #
- The touch tones tones are spoken back to you.
Have you ever called a voicemail system or bank by phone system and not been able to make menu selections? This test helps confirm the source of common “after connect” DTMF dialing issues on VOIP telephone systems and services.
Press 3 for Voice Echo Test
Listen for instructions. The system will echo back in real time what you said.
Useful for a reality check on one-way audio or excessive audio delay.